How to Get started in EE

If the general information about EE strikes a chord in your heart, the first step is to establish a person to person connection. Fill out the information request form and we will get in touch with you and answer any other questions you may have. Below are some general points and goals that describe what getting involved looks like.

Note: Don’t be overwhelmed. These the points below will happen over time as a groups grow and should not be taken as an individual responsibility. They are provided to help clarify what EE is.

  • Plug in through online meetings for vision building and encouragement when possible.
  • Begin establishing common vision by studying the training materials (available online).
  • Share the vision of EE with others and help them catch the vision as well.
  • Join or form a small group in your county for the purpose of study, prayer, planning, and action (discipleship).
  • Make a list of the governmental leadership in the county and begin praying for them.
  • Attend various public meetings when possible to be informed about the issues in your locality.
  • Establish a relationships where possible with civic leaders and offer opinions.
  • Get involved in the local political organizations.
  • Help elect people to office who have a biblical worldview.
  • Watch what God does.